Homeownership, kitties, knitting and more!

Monday, February 11, 2008

More Handmade stuff!

Finally was able to give Stef her Xmas gifts during an evening of fun and yummy rum laden drinks...so here are the final products...

A Recycled Sweater Bag:
Stef's recycled sweater bag

A "Kitty" Dishcloth:
Kitty Dish Towel
the pattern for the dishcloth is from Lisa Millan and TONS of patterns (both free and cheap) can be found at her blog DigKnitty Designs


i like to cook. unfortunatly, i don't get to do it to any fancy extent very often...no time...no money...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. but every once in a while one of the recipies i obsessivly horde screams out to be made. behold the Buffalo Chicken Pizza!
Buffalo Chicken Pizza

Sunday, February 10, 2008