It's April 1st, but no joke here. I'm going to try to quit smoking again. As I type I'm about 3 hours into day one, so far so good.
I've been bitching and moaning about quitting for a while now and i just decided i needed to pick a date and stick with it, otherwise i'd just keep talking about quitting and not do it.
It's just time. I've been hacking and coughing almost non-stop for a few months. i can't sleep on my back, it makes me choke.
I used to say i didn't want to quit because i loved to smoke, not so much any more. it's been more of a chore than anything. And i've been making my own cigs for a while, so that was an hour or two every other day wasted making them.
i'm actually feeling pretty good about this one, there was no real dread leading up to this morning, and i didn't take my first piece of nicotine gum until 4:30ish. I've been keeping up on doing some kind of exercise/physical activity every other day, so i'm hoping that will help with the weight gain. mostly because i can't afford to buy new clothes! the weather this weekend should be great, and i've got things i want to do outside. And knitting...there's always knitting.
i'm sure there will be some ugliness, so i apologize in advance to my family, friends and co-workers.
so that's that.