I won't mention the vegetable garden...once again not much luck, so on to te flowers.
The clematis was out of control. It was just a huge mass of tangled dried stems. So back in early April i hacked it down.

Sam was a little worried that it wouldn't have as many flowers....
Two months later....

and this is NOTHING compared to how many flowers are there now!
When we first moved into the Bunker these two sad little lilies popped up. The pink one was so wobbly we had to prop it up....

Well, two years later, we may be in danger of being over run.

It's hard to see in the photo, but the count was 19 flowers on the pink plant and 10 on the white!
2 questions.
What is Ravelring, and who is Sam?
yay, i'm so glad you're back. i was starting to think i was going to have to unsubscribe your blog from my reader.
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